No Longer “Prime-Time”-But A More Serious Crowd
Published in June 21, 2013
It’s apparent to all participants in the resource market that things are in a challenging state. Share prices of companies in our community are in treacherous decline, and here at Cambridge House International, our notional “share price” in terms of investor foot traffic and attendance has also declined.
However, much like certain “staple” shareholders of quality companies have remained, so too has a core segment of our investing audience. This is an investor group which finds real reason and conviction for being invested in a company. It is a serious crowd, one which is seeking high quality people, assets, and relationships—which are the fiber that gets us through these tough markets.

Following our May 26-27 World Resource Investment Conference (WRIC), we are pleased to report the attendance of over 3,680 members of this long-time core investor constituency as seen here by the standing-room only attendance during a speaker presentation at WRIC.

As displayed in the aisles during WRIC, and despite the headwinds, the resource sector is still alive.
In looking past those photos for a moment, we must again point out that our overall attendance is down when compared to 2011 and 2012. In response however, we've been adding deeper levels of value to compensate both show attendees and exhibiting companies.
For example, we now have a growing media presence on our team led by award-winning journalist, Bridgitte Anderson and the industry’s top investment media producer, Jonathan Roth. This has helped us maintain a strong connection with investors watching from home as well as in creating an attraction at the show.
Furthermore, we’ve added an exclusive one-on-one concierge meeting service at our shows to help facilitate private deal discussions.
“Even though the market conditions are very difficult, the conference was very well done. I loved the floor layout which made the atmosphere very comfortable. There were also lots of video media folks around really making the best of the situation. We also appreciated the "1 on 1's" value-add. And thanks for the sending out the stats; those just go to show, that things are still working out there.
There is no doubt this is a tough time for share prices, marketing budgets, and investor presence. Resources are no longer running on “prime-time” as they were in late-2010 and early-2011.
However, our core constituency of investor attendees remain committed to us---and we remain committed to you. They are firm in their search of high quality people, assets, and relationships with which to invest, and we are firm in our commitment of delivering that discussion to you in the most accommodating way.
As a special thank you for being a supporter of our organization, we’d like to offer you a special summertime promotion of 5% valid for exhibitor booth bookings at the Toronto Resource Investment Conference on September 12-13, 2013.
Call us prior to June 28, 2013 and reference this article along with booking code CAMBRIDGETORONTO. Receive an additional 5% off when booth booking is paid in full prior to July 18, 2013.
Contact our sales team for booth bookings and more information.
John Baldwin – VP Operations
Direct: 604-398-5352 | Email:
Bonnie Meyer – Senior Account Manager
Direct: 604-398-5353 | Email:
Steve Davidson – Account Manager
Direct: 604-398-5351 | Email:
Thanks for your continued support!
All The Best,
Cambridge House International
However, much like certain “staple” shareholders of quality companies have remained, so too has a core segment of our investing audience. This is an investor group which finds real reason and conviction for being invested in a company. It is a serious crowd, one which is seeking high quality people, assets, and relationships—which are the fiber that gets us through these tough markets.

Following our May 26-27 World Resource Investment Conference (WRIC), we are pleased to report the attendance of over 3,680 members of this long-time core investor constituency as seen here by the standing-room only attendance during a speaker presentation at WRIC.

As displayed in the aisles during WRIC, and despite the headwinds, the resource sector is still alive.
In looking past those photos for a moment, we must again point out that our overall attendance is down when compared to 2011 and 2012. In response however, we've been adding deeper levels of value to compensate both show attendees and exhibiting companies.
For example, we now have a growing media presence on our team led by award-winning journalist, Bridgitte Anderson and the industry’s top investment media producer, Jonathan Roth. This has helped us maintain a strong connection with investors watching from home as well as in creating an attraction at the show.
Furthermore, we’ve added an exclusive one-on-one concierge meeting service at our shows to help facilitate private deal discussions.
One exhibitor at WRIC was kind enough to remark that,

When things get tough, you guys just dig in and give us more. Thanks again!”
Scott S. Close
Director of Investor Relations
Eurasian Minerals Inc.
There is no doubt this is a tough time for share prices, marketing budgets, and investor presence. Resources are no longer running on “prime-time” as they were in late-2010 and early-2011.
However, our core constituency of investor attendees remain committed to us---and we remain committed to you. They are firm in their search of high quality people, assets, and relationships with which to invest, and we are firm in our commitment of delivering that discussion to you in the most accommodating way.
As a special thank you for being a supporter of our organization, we’d like to offer you a special summertime promotion of 5% valid for exhibitor booth bookings at the Toronto Resource Investment Conference on September 12-13, 2013.
Call us prior to June 28, 2013 and reference this article along with booking code CAMBRIDGETORONTO. Receive an additional 5% off when booth booking is paid in full prior to July 18, 2013.
Contact our sales team for booth bookings and more information.
John Baldwin – VP Operations
Direct: 604-398-5352 | Email:
Bonnie Meyer – Senior Account Manager
Direct: 604-398-5353 | Email:
Steve Davidson – Account Manager
Direct: 604-398-5351 | Email:
Thanks for your continued support!
All The Best,
Cambridge House International