How To Cash In On Gold’s Critical Low
By September 24, 2018
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We've all been seeing gold prices plummet this year and while the market may seem pretty dire, some investors are thinking this is the best time to jump on the opportunity and make some money. Read further to discover how you can make the same educated decisions and profit from the fall of gold prices and also get some incredible insights at The Silver and Gold Summit coming up in October.
The fact is, August ended with the gold price on the lowest streak it has had in five years and some experts think that it will continue to fall. The main reason gold is dipping so much is that the US Dollar (USD) has been picking up steam which is always bad for the gold price, especially over the short term. Even though the USD is rising against other currencies, that strength is seen as a major blow to gold prices.
Are We Destined For Another Major Market Crash?
Believe it or not, the USD was strong during the crisis in 2008, even though the US financial system was at the heart of the mess that caused the collapse. Gold prices dropped as just about everything was sold in a rush to raise capital, but when the smoke cleared, the USD fell as gold rose. Depending on who you ask, global markets may be setting themselves up for an even bigger crisis in the next few years.
By the way, If you didn’t catch this video clip “Is the US Dollar Doomed or Will It Stay Might?”, it’s a great breakdown of historical trends of the USD.
How Rising World Conflict Impacts Your Investment
We all know global debt is a huge issue, but the alarming increase in violence around the world is another factor to take into consideration. For example, Russia is on the verge of delivering S-400 anti-aircraft missiles to Turkey, which makes their ties to the West look very shaky. The world markets have shrugged off the crisis in Syria for years, but there is no telling what might emerge as countries like Syria and Turkey move closer to Russia.
Bottom line is all these factors lead to what experts say is a short-term boom for the USD. When the USD inevitably starts to decline, the gold price will rise. If you buy now and hold off to sell high you could see major profits.
Can You Dig It?
The simple fact is falling commodity prices aren't good for the companies that mine them, and for gold, the situation has been even harsher. While this is a tough situation for junior miners, it can be a great opportunity for investors.
In truth, there are a lot of juniors out there, and it makes sense to get as much information as you can before you buy into a company. The upcoming Silver and Gold Summit in San Francisco is a great opportunity to learn more about what is happening in the global economy, and pick up insight from some of the brightest minds in resources.
This year's Silver and Gold Summit will be happening on October 28th and 29th in downtown San Francisco. There will be more than 70 companies at the Summit, as well as some of the biggest names in resources. Register now and save 30% with Promo Code "SILVER30" before October 25th.