Contrarian Plays on Junior Resource Stocks Should Generate Good Returns in 2019
By November 20, 2018
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VRIC 2019 Featured Speaker: Mickey Fulp -
Mickey's Bio: The Mercenary Geologist Michael S. “Mickey” Fulp is a Certified Professional Geologist with a B.Sc. Earth Sciences with honor from the University of Tulsa, and M.Sc. Geology from the University of New Mexico. Mickey has over 35 years’ experience as an exploration geologist and mining analyst in North and South America, Europe, and Asia. In addition to his ongoing work as an analyst and newsletter writer, Mickey has written and spoken extensively on freedom, libertarianism, individual rights, science and reason, and pacifism. He operates a small farm in central New Mexico, raising beef cattle and free-range domesticated rabbits, and likes to hunt and fish. Mickey’s life philosophy is “Do not tread on me and I will not tread on you.”
Contrarian Plays on Junior Resource Stocks Should Generate Good Returns in 2019
Most hard commodities continue to be range bound with speculative short traders overruling strong supply-demand fundamentals. Given the long-overdue breakout in prices, there are unknown, unwanted, unloved, and undervalued junior resource stocks that should generate good returns in 2019.
Why it’s important: In my presentation at the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference, I will illustrate why the currently popular concept of peak gold will mimic the fallacy of peak oil in the early 2010s. In addition, I will show where future growth profiles are within the gold mining industry.
The investment opportunity: My 2017 picks of specific gold and copper stocks have returned substantial returns to subscribers. With my contrarian philosophy and Power of Two trading methodology, I will offer speculative ideas in the gold, copper, and uranium sectors at the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference.
Don’t Miss Out: I kindly invite you to attend my talk, “Why Peak Gold is Fake News” at The World’s Largest Investment Conference on January 20-21, 2019.