July 16, 2018
The way that people power their lives is changing. For most of modern human history, fossil fuels have been king. Coal, natural gas, and petroleum have all supported the global industrialization that took place over the last 300 years. Today, long-standing energy assumptions are being called into...
May 4, 2018
Junior mining shares can create incredible returns. Before your money goes to work in a small resource company, getting your hands on quality research is a good idea. David Erfle has devoted more than a decade to becoming one of the go-to sources for information about junior miners. Instead of...
April 27, 2018
There are some big changes coming. We are living at a time when the defacto global energy sources, which mostly fossil fuels, are on the cusp of being replaced. For all of their drawbacks, fossil fuels do offer some advantages. When a person wants to use gasoline or diesel to fuel their car,...
April 24, 2018
Canada's Yukon Territory is home to mining projects that every investor should know about. Gold has been a staple in the Yukon's mining mix for a long time. But there are other minerals that are available in the territory as well. The last few years have seen renewed interest in the...
April 19, 2018
Gold has been steady this year, and the market for new mining projects seems to be improving. There haven't been many major gold discoveries recently, when compared to decades past. This puts the big gold mining companies in a tricky spot. They need to replenish their constantly depleted...
February 27, 2018
January saw a jaw dropping 200%+ increase in zinc imports by China from December, with nickel and copper also sporting higher levels as well. Zinc is a critical material in the steel making industry, where it is used for galvanization, which makes steel far more resistant to...
February 16, 2018
Whatever troubles hit the bond and equity markets over the last two weeks spurred selling in most markets with any amount of liquidity, but it looks like the industrial metals are bouncing back with a vengeance. Copper, zinc, nickel and iron ore are all showing strong price action, with zinc...
February 7, 2018
The reasons for the steep drop in US bonds late last week are still something of a mystery, but their results in the world markets seem to be obvious at this point. Reuters reports that many algo-run funds funds had been involved in a 'long equities, short volatility' trade, and that...
February 5, 2018
The last week as seen a number of concerned comments from the highest levels of the mining world, and some serious selling pressure on the Canadian listed shares of Robert Friedland's Ivanhoe Mines. The Parliament of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) recently passed a broad series...
January 31, 2018
The last week has seen commentary emerge from the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, as well as the much anticipated 'State of the Union' address from US President Donald Trump. For President Trump, these are two firsts. His first time at the WEF, and his first 'State...
January 30, 2018
The US Dollar has been under pressure when measured against other major currencies, but over the last few days, its fall seems to have stabilized around 89 on the US Dollar Index. There hasn't been much news to drive this action in the world's largest reserve currency, but some...
January 20, 2018
It is going to be a big day tomorrow, with this year's Vancouver Resources Investment Conference all set to open its doors to the public. In addition to more than 250 mining companies that extract a range of valuable elements and fuel sources, there will be some of the most successful...
January 18, 2018
Like most of the base metals, zinc had a great second half of 2017. So far 2018 is looking good as well, with the cash contract for zinc holding steady above $3400 USD/tonne on the LME. There have been some observations made in recent weeks about the speculative nature of the buying in the base...
January 15, 2018
With gold now comfortably trading above the $1300 USD/oz mark, the multiple calls for a washout below $1000 USD/oz are beginning to seem more like fever dreams. While cryptos certainly stole the limelight over the last year, gold has been quietly consolidating a very solid looking uptrend. The...