Jim Dines Sees Huge Upside Potential In Silver
By October 7, 2017
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Being a contrarian is never easy. But for Jim Dines, his views on precious metals represent hard won victories over mind numbing group think and countless callous public remarks against him. Way back when it was still a felony for US Citizens to own gold, and the price was pegged at $35usd an ounce, Jim Dines was predicting monetary chaos and the rise of gold's price to $400usd an ounce. For any avid follower of historic gold price trends, you will know that Jim Dines was more than right.
Back in those days his irreverent views earned him the moniker of “goldbug”, a title that he wears proudly today. In fact Jim Dines could be considered the original goldbug, but many don't know that his record of market beating calls is a long one. From the time that he correctly called gold's first bull market in the 1970's until today he has been on the right side of both the tech bubble and the uranium bubble, just to name a few massive opportunities for outsized gains.
As the publisher of the Dines Letter, he has an active view of the world markets. Gold isn't always a popular investment topic, but when you see why people like Rick Rule view a falling gold price as positive, it is easy to understand why the investment world has been so opposed to Jim Dines' opinions over time.
A Barbarous Relevance
Many people who were alive in the 1970's would probably like to forget the investment climate that gold's price rallied in back then. The 1970's were quite tumultuous, and against a rising tide of social upheaval and runaway inflation Jim Dines' predictions came to pass, with gold eventuality topping out at over $800usd/oz in the early months of 1980.
It is perhaps for this reason that investors like Rick Rule describe the tepid gold price as a successful investment. Unlike internet stocks in the 1990's, an exploding gold price could mean major trouble in the world's most popular monetary systems. Gold can be a hedge against inflation, but in just about every case in recorded history, gold was an airtight insurance policy against the loss of purchasing power from political instability.
Silver Linings
The silver market is something of a conundrum. Silver is a widely used industrial metal, and with the advent of widespread solar power generation, its use will only grow. While elements like cobalt and lithium are being bid ferociously, the silver price is still sitting where it was mote than a decade ago. The primary supply of silver has been declining over the last few years, and the demand for silver is as solid as ever.
In a recent interview Jim Dines predicted that silver might soon be in the spotlight again, and with the fundamentals that exist in the silver market, that prediction could be his next big call. If you are interested in how the next bull market in silver and gold might develop, then the upcoming Silver and Gold Summit in San Francisco is the place to pick up information from some of the world's foremost resource investors.
In addition to Jim Dines, legends like Doug Casey and Rick Rule will be speaking over two days. The whole thing begins on November 20th in the heart of San Francisco, and there will be a host of resource professionals in attendance. If you want to learn more about the next run in gold and silver, the Silver and Gold Summit will be the place to be!