David Morgan says this film “brings critical issues about the nature of money to the younger generation”
Published in April 23, 2013
The animated, anti-Federal Reserve film that is hitting the Magic Lantern Theater in the historic Spokane, Washington. The film is endorsed by silver proponents around the country including Former Congressman, and legendary figure in the End the Fed movement, Dr. Ron Paul, David Morgan, and Max Keiser! Notably, David Morgan will be sponsoring the event and holding a Q&A within the theater for all who attend. Morgan had this to say about the film:
“The Silver Circle is an animation in the not too distant future. It is a time when it has become illegal to transact in (gold) or silver and inflation is at a point that causes great suffering throughout the land. This movie is thrilling, bringing critical issues about the nature of money and a system gone awry to the younger generation. The main heroine is a girl using Silver to shine the light of truth to others throughout the country and her efforts with others help to defeat the Federal Reserve banksters.”

The film has been shown in five cities, three of them being New York, Los Angeles, and Washington, DC. On May 3rd they continue the second leg to their Northwest tour by visiting the home of “The Silver Summit” for a one-night event sponsored by David Morgan of www.Silver-Investor.com. Show starts at 7:00pm!
Experience the rebellion! Visit www.SilverCircleMovie.com/Events to reserve your seats.
Silver Circle: Why are gas prices are so high? Why is it getting harder to put food on the table? Some seek answers from government, but those who control the money control everything. Silver Circle is the story of our world in 2019, after the worst economic collapse in US history. Powerful players within the Federal Reserve use the crisis as an opportunity to grab power, forming the Department of Housing Stability (HousStab). Opposite them stands a group of Underground Rebels led by the tenacious Zoe Taylor (Philana Mia). As the Rebels put their lives and secret hideout on the line, Zoe confronts a vigilant federal agent, Jay Nelson (De'Lon Grant), asking him to question his own allegiance to the Fed and join their cause. This film represents a new venture in the liberty movement; educating and sharing ideas through pop culture and creative story-telling.
Purchase your tickets at http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/371360
Megan Duffield, Marketing Manager
Two Lanterns Media
Phone: 617-864-8300
Email: megan@silvercirclemovie.com
Website: www.SilverCircleMovie.com
“The Silver Circle is an animation in the not too distant future. It is a time when it has become illegal to transact in (gold) or silver and inflation is at a point that causes great suffering throughout the land. This movie is thrilling, bringing critical issues about the nature of money and a system gone awry to the younger generation. The main heroine is a girl using Silver to shine the light of truth to others throughout the country and her efforts with others help to defeat the Federal Reserve banksters.”

The film has been shown in five cities, three of them being New York, Los Angeles, and Washington, DC. On May 3rd they continue the second leg to their Northwest tour by visiting the home of “The Silver Summit” for a one-night event sponsored by David Morgan of www.Silver-Investor.com. Show starts at 7:00pm!
Experience the rebellion! Visit www.SilverCircleMovie.com/Events to reserve your seats.
Silver Circle: Why are gas prices are so high? Why is it getting harder to put food on the table? Some seek answers from government, but those who control the money control everything. Silver Circle is the story of our world in 2019, after the worst economic collapse in US history. Powerful players within the Federal Reserve use the crisis as an opportunity to grab power, forming the Department of Housing Stability (HousStab). Opposite them stands a group of Underground Rebels led by the tenacious Zoe Taylor (Philana Mia). As the Rebels put their lives and secret hideout on the line, Zoe confronts a vigilant federal agent, Jay Nelson (De'Lon Grant), asking him to question his own allegiance to the Fed and join their cause. This film represents a new venture in the liberty movement; educating and sharing ideas through pop culture and creative story-telling.
Purchase your tickets at http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/371360
Megan Duffield, Marketing Manager
Two Lanterns Media
Phone: 617-864-8300
Email: megan@silvercirclemovie.com
Website: www.SilverCircleMovie.com