38 days to the VRIC and a Quick Update from Las Vegas
By December 13, 2019
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I am in Vegas at the American Academy of Anti Aging World Congress. There are 5000 attendees here - I am the only one without a PHD (they actually created an exemption to let me in).
Today’s workshop is focused on peptides, cellular efficiency and metabolic function.
At 35 I still get medical school FOMO.
Plus, I am betting that health science will be the biggest bull market of my lifetime.
Here is a prediction for you: In the near future (let’s call it 5 years), you will see the US medical community reach consensus that aging is an illness, not an inevitability, and should therefore be considered curable.
Expect a major focus on this at my Extraordinary Future Conference in September 2020.
In more urgent news, we are 38 days away from the 25th Anniversary of the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference (VRIC).
While I am in Vegas, my team is locked in their offices in Vancouver, organizing the colossal ecosystem that is, the VRIC:
- Over 365 junior mining issuers
- 8000 investors
- 105 keynote speakers
- Over one thousand 1:1 meetings between accredited investors and companies.
This conference is like a small city.
I am also flying in about 40 of our Pangea Club Members. Marin Katusa calls this my “Whale’s Club”. - These are the uber high net worth investors that I fly in from all over the world. True to the Pangea name, I am bringing Club Members from as far away as South Africa and Budapest.
Demand for meetings with the “Whales”, has skyrocketed.
If you are exhibiting at the VRIC and want to guarantee a full schedule of meetings with our Pangea Club, please contact Sheena@cambridgehouse.com and she will walk you through some options.
If you are an investor and would like to apply for Pangea Club Membership, you can also contact Sheena@cambridgehouse.com.
Early this week we locked up an interesting keynote speaker that we haven’t hosted before - one that I have been chasing for a few years.
In 1970, he chartered a commercial fishing boat across the North Pacific Ocean to draw attention to the US testing of a 5 megaton bomb. The name of the boat?
The Greenpeace.
His name is Patrick Moore, and from 1970 to 1986, Moore built Greenpeace into the World’s largest environmental activist organization.
However, since departing the organization over differences in policy, Moore has become a whistle-blower, calling out prolific environmentalists for fraudulent behavior, including many high profile politicians, celebrities, and even his previous organization - Greenpeace.
Moore is a pragmatic environmentalist and a best selling author. He is pro nuclear, and radically transparent.
At the VRIC, we are going to play a little game. While Moore is on stage, we will cycle through headshots of well known and self proclaimed environmentalists, from Justin Trudeau to Al Gore, and put Moore on the spot to give us the dirt.
For a front row seat to the VRIC, Register Here