Don't Jump into the Fire... Yet
By May 15, 2022
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Good morning everyone - we have been prepping around the clock for our event in Vancouver, BC, (The VRIC) - now two days away. If you are joining us, see you soon. If not, I will be publishing all of the content on our Youtube Channels after the event.
I set up a new channel for conference content - so if you want a notification when the conference content goes live, go become one of the first subscribers.
I couldn’t ask for a better environment to host an investment conference - volatility and uncertainty have skyrocketed, the Doom and Gloom pundits feel validated, Gold Bulls are literally frothing at the mouth - knowing their turn is likely next, and the bitcoin community is (hopefully) recognizing the buying opportunity materializing in front of them - be patient though.
Growth investors in the broad market are experiencing what venture investors go through every few years… and too many have already told me they “bought the dip” before prices fell another 30%...
The last 24 months convinced a lot of people that they were excellent at “timing the market”, and unfortunately are now learning why the traders that beat the market, cycle after cycle, are so rare that they are household names.
If you had a good playbook and built a moat before trying to build a castle, you are probably more comfortable than most. I wish this for you. (If you are actually in serious trouble, respond to this email and let’s have a chat. I don’t give financial advice, but I’ve been trapped and cleaned out before, and trust me, this too shall pass)
I laughed aloud when I saw Coinbase CEO Brain Armstrong call the bitcoin crash a “Black Swan Event”. A crypto crash is a lot of things… but a Black Swan is not one of them.
Everything is on the table right now - currency wars, trade wars, geopolitical wars, market crashes and financial resets. It's time to listen and think, not react.
If you are not coming to Vancouver next week to attend our event - let me know what questions you would like answered and time permitting, I will ask them on stage for you.
This week, a short letter, below are a few of the conversations I am most excited about at the upcoming VRIC.
What is the Future of the American Empire?
The Right Honourable Stephen J Harper, the 22nd Prime Minister of Canada, in conversation with Jay Martin
Collusion and Corruption in the Money Supply
Dr. Nomi Prins, Dr. Mark Skousen, Jay Martin
Favourite Stocks & Burning Questions in the Junior Mining Business
Rick Rule, Jeff Clark, Brent Cook
The Uranium Forecast
Nick Hodge, Rick Rule, Fabi Lara, Daniel Major
Are Resources the Next Boom Market as Dollar, Stocks, Bonds, Real Estate, & Crypto Crash?
Robert Kiyosaki, Jay Martin, Harry Dent, John Mauldin
Are the 2020's the Rise or the Fall of Central Banks?
Danielle DiMartino Booth, Dr. Nomi Prins, Jay Martin
Is the World Losing Confidence in US Dollars?
The 63rd President of Mexico, Felipe Calderon, in conversation with Jay Martin
Macro-Finance: Truth, Lies, Head Fakes and Money
Robert Kiyosaki, Jeffrey Christian, Dr. Nomi Prins, Adrian Day, Rick Rule, Jay Martin
This year we are flying in about 85 of our Pangea Club members - a private group of high net worth investors who are very active in the venture market. In advance of their arrival, I send them the list of all of the public companies who will be exhibiting on our trade show floor (this year there are 249).
I pay close attention to their selections, as I like to know which companies are favourited among the “Whales”...
Below are the most requested companies this year:
Equinox Gold Corp. - EQX
Aris Gold Corp. - ARIS
Northwest Copper Corp. - NWST
Fury Gold Mines - FURY
Nova Royalty - NOVR
If you have a 50-year time horizon, you will likely live through 14 major corrections or outright bear markets. Learn from them. Don’t fool yourself with hindsight bias into thinking you should have known all along…
Crashes have always been and will always be unpredictable. Build that moat.